Ready to model at light-speed?

  1. Order your Version 4 License Key.   Already done?  Great!  Next step…
  2. Download the Profile Builder 4 RBZ file (click the big button below)
  3. Do not, attempt to open, run, or double-click the RBZ file.
  4. Install the RBZ with the SketchUp Extension Manager and then activate your license.
  5. Confused?  No problem, just watch the video below and follow along.

The current version of Profile Builder is 4.0.3 and requires a v4 license.  View Release Notes

Download Profile Builder 4 RBZ

(Right-Click Save link as..)

Please note: The above video is for an older version of Profile Builder but the steps are exactly the same for the current version.

Looking for an older version?

If you have purchased a license for version 2 or 3, you can download and install the latest RBZ below. These versions are no longer available for purchase and might not be compatible with the latest version of SketchUp.

Download Version 3 (3.3.7)

Download Version 2 (2.1.7)

Enjoy using Profile Builder!

Make sure you check out the documentation and tutorials!