Assemblies let you combine unlimited Profiles and Components to create smart path-based objects such as railings, cavity walls, fences, stairs, roads, kitchen cabinets, and more. Assemblies are completely customizable and re-usable. They can be built along any type of path including curved, sloped, or draped on terrain. Once you have created or customized your perfect Assembly, just save it to your local library to use it in future projects or share it with your team.

We also have a collection of pre-made Assemblies on the 3D Warehouse that you can download for free, customize and make your own! These pre-made Assemblies can be loaded into Profile Builder (plug-and-play) and are also useful for learning how assemblies of various types can be set up.

Some of the free assemblies in our 3D Warehouse Collection

Many of the same tools used for editing Profile Members can also be used to modify Assemblies. Use the Extend Tool to modify the length or split an Assembly. Combine multiple Assemblies into one with the Join Tool or edit the path of an Assembly using the Edit Path feature. You can edit the Assembly settings at any time and even apply a completely different Assembly to an existing one in your model allowing you to experiment with different design options.

Extend, splitting, and modifying the path of a storefront Assembly

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