Profile Libraries

We provide hundreds of Profiles that you can download for free! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Order your free Profile Library
  2. Download the Library ZIP file
  3. Extract the Library to the location of your choice.

To use your new Profiles, simply open the Profile dialog and load the new profile!

Browse Profiles

Assembly Library

We host free Assemblies as a collection on the 3D Warehouse. Here are the steps to add an Assembly from this collection to your local library:

  1. Click the button below to go the 3D Warehouse Collection of Profile Builder Assemblies
  2. Click on the Assembly you want
  3. Click the Download Button and select ‘SketchUp File’ for the file type
  4. Copy the downloaded Assembly SKP file to the folder of your choice

To use your new Assembly, simply open the Assembly dialog and load the new assembly!

Browse Assemblies

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